Metro Manila,



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We are the number one coaster manufacturer of European quality coasters in the Philippines. Coasters are an ideal tool to communicate with your clients and, at the same time, make sure your tables get more appealing with your (own) designed coasters.

All our coasters are produced in Germany, so we can guarantee the highest quality of material and perfect double-sided full-colour printing. Also, our coasters are 100% biodegradable.

Coasters are one of the most effective ways of doing marketing. People will never toss away a coaster, as a coaster always has a use case. Why print flyers anyway when the same information can be on a coaster? A coaster is even 4x cheaper, has a use case, and is eco-friendly! After a phone and a glass, a coaster is the third most viewed item inside an establishment. This means coasters are an ideal tool to advertise your business information.

So, who are our clientele?

Bars, restaurants, hotels, and events that want to advertise inside their own location with their own marketing. This can be done in a basic way with your business logo followed by some contact information and social media. However, you can use your imagination in many ways! had in the past companies that used QR codes to attract more online traffic. Companies advertising their happy hours and other promo, upcoming events, and concerts. And even artists that would use the coaster to advertise their own art. Advertising your business on coasters has no limits!

Coasters are an ideal corporate giveaway as coasters are very cheap, an effective marketing tool, eco-friendly, and have a use case. People always are happy to use a coaster at their home or in their office. This means your marketing will be much more effective as it will be in (potential) client’s direct surroundings for a long time, making it more likely that they will remember your company and details. Coasters create a growing clientele!

We normally connect companies that want to advertise inside hotels, bars, restaurants, and events. Meaning one or two sides of the coasters will be used for their advertisements.
For example, on average a hotel, bar or restaurant in Metro Manila has around 5,000 individual customers a month. Having your advertisement on these tables can be very profitable for businesses. Establishments love it as they will get the coasters for free as they will be offering these advertisers a good location to expand their business.
CALL US NOW    -   +639 151 178 318

Be One of Our Coasters Champions!

If you want to request our pricelist or have more questions


Our coasters are produced in Germany. We have clients all over Europe and are one of the biggest coaster manufacturers in Europe. Because of this we can offer the Filipino market very sharp prices. Shipping can be done by air and sea freight.

  • -Sea freight will take 7 to 9 weeks after printing.
  • -Air freight will take 1 to 3 weeks after printing.
The printing process itself comes in weekly batches. Meaning once a week, all designs get printed on a set day. Friday 10am Central European Time.